About Us

What is New View?

New View Enabling Community is a charitable programme with a mission to help those struggling with a variety of difficulties including mental ill health, addiction and everyday struggles with life. We focus on creating a safe and supportive environment to empower individuals by helping them to help themselves. We do this through developing coping strategies, building resilience and improving self-awareness.

We are a peer led self-help programme, meaning that those who can help you have had their own life’s struggles and have overcome them through participating in New View’s programme. People need people and our enabling community provides just that. 

Our community members are at the heart of what we do! The programme emphasises a personal and group responsibility, fostering a sense of belonging and a stronger community where everyone’s contribution matters.


  • To help people to achieve an improved quality of life

  • To enable people to contribute by supporting others

  • To assist people with connecting/reconnecting with friends and society

  • To help people be heard; when we hear people’s distress, we will support them

  • To support people in achieving contentment in their lives

  • To help people accept themselves as they are

  • To help people discover the person they want to be

Why New View?

New View is unique in the fact that we are the only Enabling Community on the Island offering a long term rather than short term intervention. We provide a 12-18 month programme where we support people with a variety of life’s difficulties. Our programme sets about bringing change to people’s lives in ways they can control, leading to acceptance of the things in life that cannot be changed.

We will support people to develop their potential, focusing on their strengths.

The main distinguishing feature of an Enabling Community is the use of the community itself as a fundamental means of change.

 We encourage active participation in identifying solutions to life’s problems. This provides people with a feeling of empowerment along with autonomy and choice. 

New View uses a range of activities throughout a structured day through group work and psychological education. Sessions are designed to help people to become more resilient, improve self-esteem and confidence, increase self-awareness and learn healthy coping strategies. This in turn can improve a person’s ability to cope with everyday matters and eventually lead a more contented and fulfilled life.

We develop our support plans by working with people collaboratively, tailoring it to meet the person’s own short and long term goals. We meet people where they are, not where we think they should be.

We acknowledge that many have faced rejection and stigma along their journey. We provide an environment of inclusion, kindness and positive regard which enables people to positively integrate into society.


You can self refer to New View.

We know how hard it is to take that first step in a journey of improving or even re-building your life, but we also know how important and beneficial it is. We are here to help.

We would be more than happy to have a chat with you to see if we can help.  If you need any more information, or if you or someone you know would like to refer, please don’t hesitate to contact us on (07624) 384265 or at hello@newview.im